Difficult words

It's useless to deny it. We know they exist. Those words that defy memory or understanding. Do you have a pet hateful word? The one you never seem to master? Leave a comment or send us an email and we will devote the next post to your least favourite word.

Today, let's focus on... BEREAVED.
This profound adjective refers to a feeling of having been deprived of someone or something very valuable, especially through death. Therefore, it is not to be taken lightly. Parents who have lost their children are bereaved. A child who has lost her pet feels bereaved. A bereaved family suffers the loss of a loved one. It can also be used as a noun. The bereaved were comforted by their friends. Can you imagine the scope of feeling behind this word? Can you think of a situation when you would be bereaved? You would feel the same way if you were bereft.
Now, be happy. Be free. 

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